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Imagine ot having a word for something.

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mollykins | 09:23 Sat 19th Dec 2009 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
describe happiness, without using any variation of the word or any synonym?

I can't, and i'm in a similar situation with something i can't describe as i haven't got a word for it.


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I suppose joy and elation won't count....
ok I'm imagining it, now what?
What is the thing you can't describe, btw? Maybe someone can come up with a word for you...
"What is the thing you can't describe"

Errr, surely if she told us that would be describing it :)
dingleberry ?
Now listen up, Chuckadoodledoo... she is probably looking for a one-word description... if she gives us a brief outline, we may come up with the perfect word ! Nothing is insurmountable, is it....
think it's in relation to this

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i don't know thats the point, by the way if you can think of a way of describing happiness without a synonym or variation of the word write it down please.

I felt lightheaded for a couple of days and i've got to go the addenbrookes hospital but its no use if i can't describe i how i feel to the doctor.
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But by using something that most people feel a lot and putting you in that situation, its putting my situation into the perspective.
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tehy're synonyms though aren't they. i said no synonyms or variations of the word such as happy or happily ect.
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yeah you're right chuck.
Good band ^
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Jumbuck yours are quite good but one's a bit iffy.
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well they're all a bit iffy, but the best is being in a state of well-being.
I thought Nirvana was a heightened state of awareness or enlightenment...
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but well being is a kind of synonym

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Imagine ot having a word for something.

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