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Heart on sleeve

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punkprincess | 17:58 Sun 14th Apr 2002 | Phrases & Sayings
2 Answers
What does it mean to "wear your heart on your sleeve"?


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The phrase means that you show your romantic interest in someone in a way that others can observe - lingering glances, keeness to strike up a relationship, and so on. The phrase dates back to the Middle Ages when knights in a jousting contest would ask the high-ranking lady watching, often the daughter of the king or nobleman in charge, for her 'favour'. This would take the form of a scarf or handkerchief, and the knight would use it to declare his interest in the lady be going into the contest with this symbol of his affection - his heart- tied on his sleeve for everyone to see.
It means to show your emotions openly, especially your affection for someone. It is supposed to derive from an old Valentine's Day custom of wearing the name of your loved one on your sleeve.

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Heart on sleeve

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