I have been using this site for only a fortnight and sometimes get the feeling that I'm being a bit intrusive. However it's only natural that people who have been contributing over a long period should become familiar with each other so I don't worry too much. My greatest concern is saying something which may inadvertently cause offence, when the proverbial would hit the fan.
As to the flies, the answer is easy - buy some fly spray. You don't have to use it, just buy it. Last year I was plagued by a fly who defied the laws of nature and refused to die at its appointed time. It would visit me at all hours and was so cheeky that it used to sit on my breakfast plate and have a go at my boiled egg. I know it was the same fly because of its trademark scruffy trainers.
Anyway, one day I'd had enough. "Sod this for a game of soldiers", I thought, and went out and bought some fly spray. I came home and put it on the table, waiting in gleeful anticipation. Guess what! The little bugger never came back. Must've been a mind reader as well.