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Good idea or what ?

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wendilla | 09:57 Mon 26th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
57 Answers
I don't think it is a good idea to put your real picture up. Considering what goes on at times with some people and the threats against some which does go on when things get out of hand.May as well go the whole hog and give your address out. Not too long ago when threats were made against a regular aber.We tell our children not to give out personal information now grown ups are doing it . Not a good example I would say. I will def stay anom.


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If anyone (apart from ummmm) recognises me from my avatar, I'll buy them a ferrari ! :o)
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nice one
Hi Jack, is that really you? I'd recognise you a mile off in that hat.
But I really am Micheal Keaton - Or Spike Milligan depending on which avatar you are looking at.
play nicely and you'll have nothing to worry about!
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Recognise you too chuck
I am definately not putting up my picture, I like that bit of anonymity. It is bad enough me having to look in the mirror, I would not inflict that on anyone else.
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Just leave my parrot alone Booldawg and I won't say who you are.
coming from the typing parrot!
I agree, Wendi.

I think most of us feel safe with our "known" group on CB ...

But there are lots of people, especially in other sections, about whom we know nothing !
i agree wendilla in fact i poted a simular question yesterday xx
if anyone recognizes this thing, chances are i'm sleeping with you :-)
Does that narrow it down much? :-p
ha ha :-p
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Yes joggerjane you are right . But chatterbank seems to have the most people that are on most days so we get to know them by name only and put a rough idea of what they look like in our mind.
Nutters on the street see us everyday....there are more of a risk than people on the internet.
And lucky for you Jack I still remember you as you were 16 odd years ago :-)
As stated yesterday, I wouldn't do it myself but it is down to individual choice. I don't think the possibility that someone might say something nasty should put them off.
I'm no different................except there is slightly more of me :o)
lol....I've just changed my avatar....see if you remember him.

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