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Life is a bowl of cherries....

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Bbbananas | 15:30 Wed 14th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
And I've just scoffed a whole bowl of them.
Not such a good idea for someone who's just getting over a dose of the squitters.....


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LMAO... lovely =0
I love Cherries salla. Scoffed a whole punnet yesterday which I bought in Morrisons, I'll have to get some more ....
they had cherry pie on offer in sainsbury's earlier and i resisted i might have to go back and get some now
Raspberries are better
I was just going to say that redman, bought half a dozen boxes in Morrisons, only a £1 each and they're gorgeous - so are their white Italian nectarines, £2 a punnet of four, or two punnets £3
Love them as well Greedyfly !!
I actually only had my first Raspberry about two weeks ago. They are awesome.
They're a £1 a box too greedy, and their ordinary nectarines, plums, commice pears ans something else i of oranges maybe?
Do you work for Morrisons Mercia? LMAO
local shop has cherries£1 a punnet, Strawberries , black berries raspberries and blueberries 2 punnets for £1
However as far as I can see life may be a bowl of cherries but they are mouldy, maggotty and the bowl is cracked.
Haven't seen any British Cherries anywhere, so far I've eaten American, Turkish and Argentinian. Moorish Fruit !
got loads of rasps in the garden, and blackberries and the blackcurrants are huge, like grapes! Having 40lb of strawberries delivered tomorrow to start making jam and sauce
I say a cherry tree yesterday fully grown outside a council flat block?!

I thought that was a bit odd. They looked nice.
Awwww Rowan....
hope you removed those stones sall incase the squits reappear...ha-ha
salla are you mad???
your bum will be in bits and it will runeth over !!!!! xx
lol Bobbi... Pew pew pew...
I've got the hump...the person concerned is aware....

I have two cherry trees in my garden but they are not fruiting yet and an amelanchier but I am fighting the pigeons and blackbirds for the berries and the birds are winning
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I've always fancied pebbledash walls in my office ..............
Lol bloody birds... You need my cat, he will chase them down for you. Although you may have to fight him for cherries also?!

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Life is a bowl of cherries....

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