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I maybe a bit slow......

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micmak | 17:45 Mon 09th Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
22 Answers
But I have just noticed there is no longer a report button on AB. Why is this? Does it mean you can no longer report a question or answer. (not that I have ever reported anyone) Kicked a man once when I saw him kick his dog, but that's another story.


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There is - I could report your question and any answer.
Were you logged in when you noticed this?
Yes there is, it there >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
there is above each post it says report this
There is. It's underneath your question. "report This Question".
I have the report button...
Try it - report Chuck lol
There is when you are signed in.
Report this Question is a tab directly under the question, and Report this Answer is an option listed with each answer.
Can you see one next to this answer?
I'll report it if you want just to prove there is one :) (not that you'd know any difference if I did)
Oi, watch it rinks!!!
box had same problem last week beause they hadnt logged on

There were no responses when i started typing.
There is an option to report your question
he he he ;0) Am feeling cheeky.....
the "mark as best answer" has gone though...
It is there. Just below the 'clique' button ;-p
They done away with that Cazzz, as it was always your answer there seemed no point anymore :)
Im normally marked as "best vulture"
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It is there now. Maybe I wasn't logged in. Thanks people.
Micmak, I asked exactly the same question only a couple of weeks ago, and it was because I wasn't logged in. You aren't alone.....
Question Author
Thanks boxtops.
yer box felt like a ninny too :-)

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I maybe a bit slow......

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