Quizzes & Puzzles7 mins ago
Can anyone please help with these abbreviated saying>. RWBIAD BTCABE YDBADABY FRIWAFTT
Of whom was the following said? His life was a fifty year trespass against good taste.
Of whom was the following said? She is always skating on thin ice, and the British public wants to be there when it breaks.
'The dog's b0ll0cks' for something good
1. Who said " I keep fit.Every morning I do a hundred laps of an Olympic sized swimming pool- in a small motor launch" 2. Who said "I'm eighty, but in my own mind my age veers. When I'm performing on...
..... by name ..... by nature
can anyone tell me the origin of this expression?
Could anyone please, please translate the female name "Stevie" into Hebrew for me?
If a fool and his money are easily parted .... how did they get together in the first place? thanks hedge
The poem which (roughly) goes "And when he gets to Heavens gates To St peter he will tell One more soldier reporting sir Ive served my time in hell" is that the whole poem? and if not what is the...
Who was Larry?
where does it originate from?
i had a text last night which said BTB what does that mean help
where does this come from and the meaning
any ideas when this upbeat phrase was first used?
What are good sayings to put on the gate of a house in the woods?
Flobble lobble lobba lub. Bill the Flower Pot Man....................or was it Ben?
give a slap win groats which are hidden
It sounds like
"it's a blaw blach and a blach nacht tanacht"
Does anyone know who uttered the famous quote "We have met the enemy, and it is us"?