Quizzes & Puzzles2 mins ago
does anyone know where this came from ? Manchester For Cotton Liverpool for ships Bristol too is a famous port Where many a vessel slips thanks
As a boy I remember listening to the 'Brains Trust' on radio. One of the frequent members of the panel was Professor Joad. One of his regular comments when asked a question was: "Well, it depends what...
Can anyone tell me what they think of this phrase: "When life seems to be at its worst, look up and smile."
if we had known he was going to be an acotr, we'd have given him a fancier name
Who wrote the poems with the following lines? 1) There was a racing and chasing on Cannobie Lea?... 2) Oh! how I long with you to pass my days.... 3) rugged as a bear.............. 4) What are we...
1) Like most rich people, I am slightly, if not totally, deranged? 2) There are no good goalkeepers around in the world today. Most lack personality and courage? Thanks in advance
anyone know this please..oh never _ _ _ _ was lost here
Who said "somebody give that man a cigar". I think it is from an old film
what movie uses the expression "wait for it"?
I am trying to find via the internet who owns some farm land in County Leitrim Ireland. Does anyone know of a site i can get this info from?
"Once again we stop the mighty roar of London's traffic" I know this quote was from a popular radio show which ran from the 1930's to 1960, the show was called In Town Tonight, but cant find anywhere...
ner cast a cloot till the mays oot
1 P for a L T ? 5 F in the L ?
what expression uses turnip?
who said? marriage is an institution designed by men for the oppression of women
who said there were 2 certainties in life - death and taxes?
Can anyone help with the origin of the phrase: What's the point of having a revolution unless we shoot the b*st**rds afterwards?
what do you do when you "crash your swede"
What comes next in this series - T, Q, P, H, H, O, N, - Help would be appreciated.
what doe sthis mean?