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Christmas Crossword - "Organic Message" By Cheesecracker

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Matakari | 11:57 Wed 18th Dec 2024 | Crosswords
3 Answers

Good day, a rocky start with this offering! Some help would be appreciated, and I’ll be back for some guidance re entry of reduced answers in the Across clues. Thanks in advance!

3 Journalist upset, gloomy about population theory? (8)

4 Cocked up snooker shots ended break (8)

11 TV model lost messaging capability? (8)

13 Riddle about case of lone clothworker (8)

53 Ultimately, animals at large roaming wild (8)

PREAMBLE: Down clues and entries are normal. Across clues have normal definitions but wordplays that omit a single letter from each answer, whose enumer ation is given, and whose reduced form must be entered in the grid. Read in clue order, omitted letters spell out an Organic Message.



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can't remember 3

stopover, teletype, teaseler

a clue the message is exactly what you'd expect at this joyful season


Matakari, you should have mentioned this was from the Spectator - it might have generated more interest, sooner! If there are more batches, it'd be good if you gave us some letters- otherwise we're just doing the puzzle for you! 

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Christmas Crossword - "Organic Message" By Cheesecracker

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