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Nannie1959 | 15:42 Thu 22nd Mar 2007 | Quotes
5 Answers
1. Which TV cop called everyone "Pussycat"?


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Or if you want a little more detail, Lieutenant Theo Kojak, played by Telly Savalas who appeared in 52 episodes from 1973 to 1978.
I stopped at just 'Kojak', Grunty, because the question heading says the answer is for a local quiz! These generally require "Just the facts, ma'am...just the facts" to quote a different detective. But what the hey!
I wasn't criticising, QM. Just showing off that my aged memory does work sometimes.

Speaking of memory, G, I just did a bit of Googling re the Sergeant Friday catchphrase I mentioned above. It turns out that it's another one of these "Elementary, my dear Watson" it never actally happened! What he always said was, apparently, "All we want/know are the facts, ma'am."
So much for all our memories!

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