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mrs mop | 21:29 Wed 22nd Oct 2008 | Quotes
5 Answers
Does anyone know who said or wrote "Anything within man's imagination is possible"?


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Jules Verne, the French writer of books such as Around the World in Eighty Days, apparently said, "What man can imagine, man can do."
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Thanks Quizmonster, that's close but I definitely remember the quote as stated. Either that or I made it up myself.
Many famous people have commented on the imagination in similar ways, Mrs M. Here's one from George Bernard Shaw with the same basic message, for example...
"Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire; you will what you imagine; and at last you create what you will."
As regards the Verne version I offered earlier, we need to remember that - whatever he wrote - he did so, I presume, in French! Accordingly, different English speakers trying to translate the idea would put it into their own words. Thus your version is just as likely to have appeared somewhere as mine.
As to the originator of the idea, it may well be that a similar notion was expressed by a Greek philosopher or a Roman poet thousands of years ago.
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Thanks again Quizmonster. Your comment on translation is indeed valid.
we hear that alot in the field of Hospital Errors

with the rider that so much happens that you wouldnt have thought possible.

I didnt realise that the Romans had an NHS

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