Fascinating ;-) We fought the French many times over the centuries, yet, we still have many of their marvellous words in our language so much to thank them for:-)
The Viking invaders ruled all of England north of a line from Chester to London during the 9th Century.They did influence our language; Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are all from Norse, the Viking language, as are many other words e.g law, anger,birth, sleuth, muck and knife
you can tell where the Vikings were by their place names - especially towns ending in -by, which is Scandinavian.
Some words came from Latin but the Normans - who were really Vikings, 'Northmen', who'd settled on the French coast - introduced many others. Sometimes you get one word from each language existing side by side such as 'regal' from Latin and 'royal' from French.
Yes, raze means to tear down completely, or to demolish. When something's "razed to the ground", the expression comes from when ice was hacked away to the bare ground, for instance.