Good morning, I’m stuck on the following for which I need some help, thanks. 36a Nothing souses drunk like a Costa? (7) : ????OU? 39a Close, perhaps, reporting depression (5) : ????N 43a Hardy... ...
Stuck on last few. 13a Record regularly seen semiurban garden spider (6) E - E - R - 14a Behave badly eating first slice of honey cake (6) - - - N - L Looks like simnel but can't parse.... ...
Asian people in couples did you say 5 letters _ _ _ _ S THAIS has been suggested but can't parse the answer and it makes the 18 down clue impossible. Help please TA
gaps in my reading showing up today: Aberdonian who writes mainly about initally liked and afterwards rejected alcohol: a---l-l- some firing is fatal in this tale of feuds among commonwealth... ...
Stuck on last two 19d mop sides in scow with sailor (4) I have swab last letter is b 20a comparatively sardonic author with no end of wit (5) ??i?r if swab is right first letter would be w thank... ...
Sorry, you need to have the magazine to help. Picture clue Blonde-haired lady -N-A -A-U-N I don't even enter the competition. I just can't stand leaving an answer... ...
This is my last clue needed to finish so I'd be very grateful. It's Cyclops 798. 13 ac 'be very critical about gutless party's childish habit' (5) I have N?P?Y and think it could be nappy... ...
everyman observer No 4088 4 ac 'In the auditorium, young lady composed' (5) Can anyone help? It's my last clue. I have m?d? Made? But why? it could mean 'composed' but can't fit it to the... ...