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I thought the clues were tricky in places (in fact, I still have 31ac and 37dn to understand thoroughly). But what a pointless, strange endgame. The title, I guess, says it all. Thanks, Tuds.
help please-all have extra word in clue-please parse 6a throw old man aboard craft away from the others 4 15a equine tense on baleful pass 4 20a fat and thin kids maybe work by river locations 9... ...
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stuck on one please,24/25 ac, do those nippers develop from a taurean hooter,with perils dispelled 8/6 letters thanks
8a/ 23d. Such is the scrounger that'd have your house and spouse on account of the bounder(4,6)???e ?????? 27a. Like an Irish drink made from spuds?Danke schön, got it.(8)s?????p? 29a. Worth a... ...
last one-help please poor actor's part as expressed on picnic menu 3,4 HAM/ROL? role or roll-could be either????????????
Grain lies around - 9 letters
3ac: Rope maker from Scottish town (8) I have h??p???? and 16dn: Playwright to finish standard day (8) I have ?????c?? Help please
Just one left which has me hesitating as it seems too straightforwad for a TLS cryptic clue. What word play am I missing? 11a. Possibly Bilbo, essentially lacking in height (6). ?O?B?T. Can it... ...
Hi, looking for a 9 letter word, clue is frequency, extent, letters are ?a?e??n?e thanks
Just one left. Any help much appreciated. Thks 16ac. It's a long story about string men out east in the old days. (4) A?A? [ Could it be AFAR]???
Good evening, I’m stuck on the last three for which I seek help, thanks… 23a Leading academic’s endless nonsense on fish (7) : A?A?O?E 31a Verse omitted from cover song (4) : DUE? ( DUET... ...
13 Across - Be very critical about gutless party's childish habit (5). I have N-P-Y. Any help gratefully received.
Any help appreciated. 24 down. preparation of pot plant (5) I have g???a 26 across. Trace of metal backing, say. (5) I have t???e
Name game Actor 3, 5 letters I have JYNAWELO
27d. And went down with down with a wave of farewell (4) s? n? 12a. Isn't it a truck for the yanks that don't gave any truck for the same in English (5) ?o?r? Thanks all
Night on which Wooster stole policeman's helmet - and stole copy? (4,4) I only have one letter, the very last which is E. Thanks.
18a Lord Owen's initial drunken drivel D?O?L. Is it DROOL or DROLL? Can't see it!
well that was a resaonably clever puzzle I am stuck though on 2D Composer left a trfile (6) I have ?AL?A? And i cannot see what the clue is or how 42 fits in. I have the Moniker elsewhere For 42A i... ...