Crosswords39 mins ago
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Peculiar, I have -r-p-r can it be proper don't seem correct
18d Political prisoner camps G?L?G? 23d Dump rubbish illegally ?L? TIP Thank you all in advance
answer to the £100 crossword in the sun 15th march. Who is the comedian?
Is here: ...
I have 16?
13d Seconds, cheap in the extreme and most delicious (10) (almost my last one!)
66d, scans barcode, ?i?ds, many thanks.
5a, they make the grade with you, ???s???t?s. 46a, raised having a holiday with Mr Flanders, l?a?e?e?. 55d, unqualified description of a despot's power. Many thanks.
Can't make sense of this clue: This one made you this way -H-S Is the answer thus?
Stuck on my last clue Can anyone please help. TIA 18d Hunter-gatherer [7] ?a?e?a?
18d when suffer8ng from this must stock to listening 4.3 ?l?? Ear
20a capone has a ballad that will soothe (5) a ?e? Y.
6d Family left to board vessel(4)?L?N. 24d Lass getting in really late, all kicking off(4)G?R?
Endlessly artful scold
27a Move efficiency to secure a place for flight(9)S?A???E?L 21a Reportedly, college tucked away(5)E???N.
If this crossword seems familiar, it's because it's a repeat from just 4 weeks ago.
Germany and Belgium traded in mud structures for homes (6) Adobes or abodes? TIA
Stuck on last two - not sure if everything is correct. Announced boxy workspace (7) C _ _ _ N _ E . TIA :)