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edinburgh evening news

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cuddles | 13:59 Sun 27th Mar 2011 | Crosswords
11 Answers
thanks for your suggestion lie in king but the anser is only g?e?. e4s glee features jane lynch as sue


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Cuddles - it helps us if you post your further comments in the original thread, did you know you can answer your own thread? This helps all of us - if we didn't see the original question, we don't know what this is about!
I think they have given you the answer in the clue.

Clue should read : Features Jane Lynch as Sue
Ans : Glee
mamya got there 1st ^ :-)
Only because you were in Jokes having a laugh at me LOL
Toasted baps... :-))
Apologies to cuddles,,, :-)
Ok don't then LOL

Sorry Cuddles.
I will sort you out later purrrrrrrrrrrr

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edinburgh evening news

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