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Times Jumbo 918

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Donaldinho | 14:14 Sat 02nd Apr 2011 | Crosswords
9 Answers
5D Spanish bar - C?n?i??
11D New Zealand tree - N???o
15A Enjoyable entertainment in Ireland - C???c
50D Ancient name of South Yemen - S?e?a
54A Throws someone from a window - D?l?n?s?r?t?s


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11 ngaio
54a defenestrates (l is a mistake)
15 craic
15a craic
5d cantina
5d cantina
50 sheba
54A Defenistrates
50D Sheba
15A Craic
5D Cantina
5D Cantina
15A Craic
50D Sheba
54D Defenistrates

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Times Jumbo 918

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