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anagrams of brand names of everything

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irismay | 23:15 Wed 06th Apr 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
11 Answers
Anagrams of Brand Names of everything
Help!!!!! 5 to get yet out of 25 questions - most answers are food so far with the exception of 'quartz clocks' , 'hallmark cards' and Denby Cookware'.. I'm begging for assistance. In fact I'm on my knees!!!!!!


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I've solved the first one, it is Lindt Excellence (the chocolate).
I have to go out now, will have another look tonight.
Just before I go, I think I have also solved number 5, although there is a letter missing. Please check meanwhile, that you have included all the correct letters in your posting and I'll check back later.
In fact, cancel that last one, the letters are correct, it was me spelling it wrong.
The answer is Colman's Cornflour. (I was think of Coleman's).
Question Author
Thank you very much TheWinner. I knew I could depend on an AB friend!!!! 3 more questions to go and it may be me who is The Winner. Pigs may fly too!
Hi Irismay, my name is very much tongue-in-cheek! The week I joined Answerbank, (instead of ALWAYS being someone who never won anything), was the week, I won a tenner in our local paper's crossword quiz. For one week only, I was, THE WINNER, and I had my name in the paper. So I chose that as my user name. I hope that you, too, will be the winner in this quiz. Good luck. I am still trying to help you.
I have solved another one. Would you like a clue, to point you in the right direction, rather than me just solving them for you?
Question Author
TheWinner - you are great, but just give me a little clue. I may manage to work it out then. You are a star!
3. Tunnock's Caramel Wafers
tara20, they wanted a clue.
Question Author
Thank you Tara20 and TheWinner. I know I just wanted a clue but I was very glad to get the answer and I didn't have to think. I'm admitting to being brain dead with this quiz. Still 2 to go, but hopefully I will find inspiration.
Sorry, I was still working it out (slow typist!) and saw only after I posted that you only wanted a clue.
I was quite chuffed to have got that one!
Good luck with the rest

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anagrams of brand names of everything

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