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Hope Charity Fub Quiz 2011

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chrispybacon | 11:17 Fri 15th Apr 2011 | Crosswords
6 Answers
Television programmes - old and new.
EXAMPLE: Angry Highways = Crossroads
7. Funny respite.
9 Card trick question.
11. Posh stance.
13. Seriously loud chicks.
20. An invitation to eat.


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9 Deal or No Deal??
11:56 Fri 15th Apr 2011
20. Come Dine With Me
11. Grandstand
7 Comic Relief
9 Deal or No Deal??
13 Thunderbirds?
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Excellent answers - thanks to everyone - my wife will be well pleased on her return from the shop! Thanks again; Chris

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Hope Charity Fub Quiz 2011

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