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Agriword 583

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dunroamin | 21:20 Sun 15th May 2011 | Crosswords
9 Answers
24a. Track a sack with a turnip (8) R-t-b--a 3a Grub like this might make the cabbage white, perhaps (11) i---e-------
9a. Prohibit the broken token - spend this instead (8) B-------
5d.Being annoyed, one spilt kir over the editor (5) ----d
10a The charging of excessive interest on a loan (5) U-u-e

Thank you


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9a Banknote
5d Irked
10a Usure
24a Rutabaga
10a Usury
24a rutabaga
24a Rutabaga
3a Caterpillar
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Much appreciated

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Agriword 583

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