I have rescued hedgehogs many times over the years. They're lovely creatures and won't bit you when you handle them. You should ideally wear leather gardening gloves when picking them up as they are timid and will roll into a ball to protect themselves. The little spines on their backs are very sharp indeed. They are lovely to have in the garden. As for how you can stop your dog barking at it? Perhaps you can stand a planter where the gap between the shed and the fence starts, to deter your dog from going there. Try to train your dog to stay away from that area. Take a spray bottle filled with water. When he shows interest in that area of your garden, spray his face with water. Alternately, you can take a jar full of pebbles and shake it every time he goes near It. Neither will hurt the dog, but both will teach the dog that you do not want him going into that area or barking. You will need to put some effort in and doing this repeatedly until he undertands. If he learns not to go into the area the hedghog is in, he will most likely also stop barking at it ... well, that is if he isn't a jack russel or other terrier. They can be harder to disuade, lol. Just don't go hurting the hedgehog, please. It is not a rat, does no harm and you are very lucky to have one in your garden. Hedgehogs don't stink up the garden either, but the fact that it is there will be attracting your dog. If you keep throwing chemicals at the poor creature you will just make it very ill and it may end up dying a painful death. Then the body will stink and you will have a bigger problem. There is no need or justification to be cruel to these gentle creatures and honestly, you do not need to be afraid of them either. I have had ones I have rescued after they had been injured and they are perfectly safe and very gentle. You could also phone Tiggiwinkles, the hedgehog and wildlife hospital. I'm sure they would give you some advice on how to deal with this situation. Here is a link: www.sttiggywinkles