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With so many helpful people on here what about....

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Mattk | 10:32 Sat 25th Jun 2011 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
..the Answerbank Oscars?

We could nominate people for each section that then gets edited down to a select few that we vote on.

Maybe the winners get an additional 'tag' under their name e.g. 'Law most helpful' or their name in a different colour.

What do you think? Would be a large job to bring together though.


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O! WONDERFUL idea....wonderful....never had a thread like this before.
Shouldn`t it just be an award for the best Googlers?
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Well - you know you are going to win don't you sqad and trim.

For the most adored...sqad......;-)
I detect a hint of sarc from sqad lol
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We have these every so many months and the result is ALWAYS the same.

All rounder Buenchico

and that is as foar as we get...


so on and so on..................!!
Be afraid, very afraid................:o(
First you have to organise it. Who is going to do that? And then you have to think of what categories there are going to be. Personally, I've given up already. Too big a job for me.
OOOps sorry

Chatterbank...jackthehat......special award
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everyone has been really helpful in the 20 mins I've been trying to post!
Didn't I win an award for the oldest person on AB? I got a glittery crown, if I remember rightly. Looks a bit tarnished now (like its owner!)
I nominate Sqad for the Caduceus
Does that mean he is a naughty cad?
Best Face Pack - me.
Curliest Hair - me.
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With so many helpful people on here what about....

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