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DrFilth | 16:16 Wed 06th Jul 2011 | ChatterBank
37 Answers
he had to be out by 10 am tues or wed and already someone has had a go at getting the lead off the front of the pub

soon it will be a taxi or bus trip to your local,79.16,,0,5


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eh ?
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Ankou are all the pubs in your town doing well ?
up here they are shuting every week
Another pub gone, indeed, and a loss i am sure to those who enjoy a pint.
So many of ours have gone, or have been turned into theme pubs, horrible, gastropubs, can't win
what does your question mean?
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is it not a taxi or bus trip to your local evil__sheep
that someone didn't wait five minutes before stripping the pub of its lead.
Thats another one goes west, CAMRA figures on how many have shut in the last few years are truly staggering. I mourn the loss of some, and some of the folk who used to inhabit them
Lots of pubs closing in Hastings as well. I've heard of two more this week. The pub my husband and I used to run is now a block of flats.
Most pubs here are quieter but I am not aware of any that have shut; not round where I live.
Most of the ones round here aren`t doing too badly (Middx/Surrey border). A few have been snapped up by locals who have turned them around and made real successes of them. There`s one down the road from me that was dead in the water a couple of years ago and some people who turned a pub around a mile up the road have taken it over. I went in there a couple of Wednesdays ago and it was heaving. Good food, just drinks if you want and a great interior. Takes skill though. It`s a fine line between a sticky carpet boozer and a ghastly place like All Bar One.
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well the man city fans will have a shock when the new season starts
the big bradford changed its name to the gurvorner (spl) shut pulled down
the derby on the new road shut again, to let signs up again
the one next to the stadium shut being turned into someting else for the club to use
i live opposite a "picturesque" type pub, where people congregate on a sunday
On a Saturday night, if I want a decent pub it is a car journey. If I want one that feels less comfortable to be in, and serves beer that doesn't seem to be quality, then there are a few I can walk to. The more I'm prepared to walk, the better the establishment.

Sign of the times; no longer the haunt of lots of folk downing pints after work before going home. Cheap booze from supermarkets, and the loss of what the pub really was, means folk drink on their own, or with family at home. The social aspect is lost: and with a smaller market caused by the lower value society gives them, pubs inevitably close.

Use it or lose it; the ground it takes up has larger potential profit being used for something else.
High Taxes on Beer by greedy Governments and High Rents by greedy Breweries who own the Premises have driven the Pub Landlords and Customers away for good. Real Ale Pubs are being replaced by Gastro Pubs and that is bad news
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said it on here before the club itchy goes in lets them smoke everynight otherwise that would have shutdown . if the smokers stop drinking there it can't manage
we don't have communities anymore, where the local pub was a place to congregate at the weekend, after a hard week at work, and let off a bit steam, those people my mum grew up with and many of my generation have moved out, or passed away. And the newer people aren't interested.
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miss the old pubs that had some characters
those were the days, i have been in pubs where it was better not to ask questions about anything, or speak to anyone, apart from asking for a drink, one place was a notorious criminals local, wish someone had mentioned it. Scared the hell out of us, we looked like shark bait.
most people cant afford to stand in a pub all night, staying home with a six pack, pizza and a dvd is much cheaper.
Gone are the days when mum & dad would get dressed up on a Sat night and meet their pals in the local pub, if they go out at all it will be to a nice restaurant. Times have changed.
no, in my village we have some pubs doing really well and some pubs not so well, but none shutting down. one of our pubs won a regional real ale award as well with camra, twice. badaboom.
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i must have taken my girfriend to the wrong restaurants Dee Sa as i spent as much in the restaurant as i did in the pub or club

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