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Three to do

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Hussar | 10:41 Wed 13th Jul 2011 | Crosswords
11 Answers
Bottom three in right-hand corner are blocking me this morning - any help would be welcome, please.

21 down. Alec takes computer over,also old lab apparatus. (7 letters) A-E-B--

31 across a 15 across (County Council) briefly tried different sanction. (8 letters) -----D-T

27 down Animals put off, having lost heart (4 Letters) -E--

Thank you to anyone who may help.
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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21 alembic?
31a Accredit
27d De(f)er
31 accredit (cc - county council) (redit = anagram of tried)
Both our answers fit the bill?
You're correct Captain.

You're answer wasn't there when I started typing, but it is a poor clue that allows for alternative answers.
can anyone please help on
1a 8
This term seems different to short term
Semester - term....Anag SEEMS + TER(M) - short term
lost the plot today, thanks

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Three to do

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