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moronic questions

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tommy-h | 09:11 Fri 12th Aug 2011 | Crosswords
37 Answers
I do not want to sound condescending but some of the Qs on here are stupid to the extreme.taking the risk of shooting myself in the foot I am sick of people like donald posing qs like what has fingers g/o/e .Surely thats not thats not what this sites for.I`m a fairly new subscriber but enjoy the chat and occasional tough clue-also appreciate help with the tough clues in the times-thank you lik and others.

Isn`t likely that abers who post qs have the resourtces to look up their words on google etc before asking for help.

I realise this makes me sound like a bad egg but I`m tired of going to a thread and finding a 4 letter word for manure


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4 letter word, begins with c ends with t and you can put your load in it.
09:47 Fri 12th Aug 2011
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very funny snags havent you ever left the room and then forgot what you`re looking for.
I agree it can be annoying but it is the purpose of the site. It's not up to us to judge the intellect of the poster or the level of the questions asked.
its only easy if you know the answer
I do wonder why some folk don't just Google (or whatever) their subject first; but if they wish to post here, I guess it keeps the site going.
It must wear you out clicking on all those links.
Even the most avid puzzler can get a mental block from time to time, and asking questions to get the answer is exactly what this site is for.

If you don't like the crossword questions, avoid the topic.
There's no such thing as a stupid question, only a stupid answer.
Nice one Chuckie!
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Oh cruel.
Beefburgers have beef. Vegiburgers have veg.
I'm with you all the way on this!
But I think people like to feel they are "talking to like minds" rather than using a tool like wikipedia, google or an online/paper dictionary.
Also, we love to show off that we know the answers :-)
4 letter word, begins with c ends with t and you can put your load in it.
I know this one! I know!

>> what has fingers g/o/e <<

is the answer gnome

nextdoor has a gnome with fingers to hold his little fishing rod
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is it coat
if all your letters were wrong i was going to say findus
You do sound condescending.

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