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big one

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mygirl | 20:16 Tue 06th Sep 2011 | Crosswords
7 Answers
(42a) sincere (7) e??n??t
(89d) suggest indirectly (9) ??s???a?e
(99a) magnificence (8) ????de??
(105d) short-lived fashion *5) t?a?e
(106d) rosters (5) a?t?s
(108a) careless(8) ????s?o?
thanks for any help


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Best Answer

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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.
42a. Earnest
106a. Rotas if your a is wrong
42a earnest
89d insinuate
99a grandeur
105d craze
106 rotas
108a slipshod
105d craze?
89 insinuate
105 phase?
106 rotas
42A Earnest
89D Insinuate
99A Loyality
105d Craze
106d Rotas
108A Slipshod

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