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Sunday Telegraph Enigmatic Variations 984 Sunday September 11th 2011

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haggis58 | 13:45 Sun 11th Sep 2011 | Crosswords
25 Answers
Have completed the grid and have all the unclued entries but I cannot see what to highlight nor can I see the relevance of Practically Worthless. Any help?


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Hi Everybody!

Am late again looking at this but, unlike the rest of you I haven't found it straightforward. I've solved all the clues but ALL the unclued answers ( unless 1 down and the entry which goes through 21 and 22 are a usually linked pair and the one in the final column is rather "solitary" ) are leaving me cold, especially the long ones in the third and last rows and the middle column. I can't see anything for the latter two and only some East Europeans are leaping out at me for the first of them. Any hints would be more than welcome.
Novalis, I think if you google your 1d + 21/22 "linked pair" as well as your Eastern Europeans, as a group. you should be taken right to something that will spell out the rest of the unclued answers for you.
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Thanks Andrew GS - got there in the end. How I didn't spot it before now is beyond me!
I have had plenty of those moments and know exactly how it feels!
Hi all
I too have struggled with this though I must admit the word play was clever. Ended up guessing a couple as I couldn't unravel the clues. Busy at weekends transporting daughter to uni open days so didn't start this immediately. Blue sky and little wind today here for a change - hurrah!

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Sunday Telegraph Enigmatic Variations 984 Sunday September 11th 2011

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