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What have you still not done in life??

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Smowball | 22:02 Thu 20th Oct 2011 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
I have loads of things that I carry over from year to year and always say Im going to do, but due to lack of money, circumstances or whatever I never seem to achieve them. They include seeing the Grand Canyon, going up in a hot air balloon and learning to salsa dance(dont ask!). How about you?


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still havnt done a parachute jump yet.
have completed some of my life goals though, including being on tv, appearing in my local newspaper, climbing Snowden, etc. Im a big believer in setting goals and then following them through though.
Type Your Answer Here...forgot to add that ive also piloted a plane. That was great (and also a bit scary)
shagged Pippa or Kate Middleton.
I keep meaning to climb Kilimanjaro again and camp at the top. I also keep meaning to climb Aconcagua (in the Andes) but then again I say why bother?
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nailit, what were you on tv for?DT, erm well I think Kate can be ruled put but Pippa.....237SJ- climb it again??
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lol, if you can do that then you should be in the Guiness book of records!
Yes, I would like to climb kili again. When I climbed it I did it in a blizzard so only got a brief glimpse of the glaciers at the top. I`d like to go back and have another look
I cant touch my toes without bending my knees!
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I cant lick my bellybutton!
A mate of mine flew over the grand canyon in a light aircraft, he was that frightened he kept his eyes shut the whole flight, what a waste.
try licking your elbows, smow, impossible.....
I've been to the Grand Canyon and it was as "awesome" as you'd expect, but more breathtaking still is Bryce Canyon which is completely and utterly overwhelming.

Only thing left undone for me is a trip to the moon!
I have yet to do that as well, DTcrossworfan. Good ambition that!
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Won the lottery
try licking your elbows, smow, impossible.....

Not so....
I think I've just dislocated my shoulder, trying to lick my elbow.
I'm embarrassed to reveal something that I have never done as it just cannot compare with climbing mountains, parachute jumps or sha**ing Pippa Middleton (I think I'll pass on that one). I have never ridden a bike! There my secret is out - how can I face the world? Think I've left it a bit late in life unless OH buys me one of those funky three wheelers with a basket on the front. LOL

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What have you still not done in life??

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