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heather48 | 11:36 Sat 31st Dec 2011 | Crosswords
5 Answers
13d make person eat his set of words ?s?e?????


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^ yes- anagram of PERSON EAT
Esperanto never did take off did it. My parents and grandparents could speak it when it was taught (in the 1940s?) but never needed to use it
11:41 Sat 31st Dec 2011
^ yes- anagram of PERSON EAT
Esperanto never did take off did it. My parents and grandparents could speak it when it was taught (in the 1940s?) but never needed to use it
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thanx !
Hi- you seem to have quite a number of questions today. If you have any more you may want to combine 2 or 3 into one post

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