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Lovatts Mega 73 Stinker

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hibiscusrose | 08:41 Tue 03rd Jan 2012 | Crosswords
5 Answers
36d: Flowering tree(10)
A - G - O - P - - M


53 d: Haberdashery bits & bobs(7)
N O T I - N S
I know this one should be easy but my brain just won't get it!!

Any help would be appreciated.



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36d Angiosperm
53d notions
Question Author
Thank you ulysses,
I did think of notions for the second one, but I couldn't see how it fit!

I'd never heard of that meaning of 'notions' but I've checked and it's correct.
no·tion (nshn)
1. A belief or opinion.
2. A mental image or representation; an idea or conception.
3. A fanciful impulse; a whim. See Synonyms at idea.
4. notions Small lightweight items for household use, such as needles, buttons, and thread.
Question Author
Thank you factor30,
I've never heard of it! I tried various sites but couldn't get it.

Thanks again to both of you


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Lovatts Mega 73 Stinker

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