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local cryptic

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welshmax | 14:12 Sat 14th Jan 2012 | Crosswords
7 Answers
I need help on these three please. opening charm [8] e?e?a?c? all i can come up with is elegance or eyepatch and can't see any connection. the continental bird one taking a girl [7] l???t?a Could it be loretta? the first in group to ignore connection {4} ???t if it is loretta the second letter of the latter is r. Hope that you can make sense of this.


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letitia - le + tit + a
sorry le + tit + i + a
1 entrance
stet - does clue say correction ?
yes the first 't' in set ... stet! it must be to ignore correction!

cath x
Question Author
Thak you very much. I couldn't get entrance as i had e instead of t. Not very bright today or perhaos even less bright than usual which isn't saying much. Love from cold but sunny Wales

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