Actually, the scientists conducting this experiment did discover where they made their error, thanks to the help of 'The Scientific Community'. What is ironic, is that the theory that would have been disproved (Einstein's) if the experiment was indeed correct, was the same theory which showed why the experiment came up with these results:
The theory states that time moves at different speeds based on how close to matter an object is: this is because matter affects "spacetime". This means that if time was being kept in two different places in the universe, it would effectively move at different speeds. This means that if light was being measured in one place, whilst neutrinos were being measured in another (which they were: a satellite, where the effects of the Earth's mass are less) then they would appear to show different results.
After the scientists at CERN rectified this mistake, neutrinos were indeed found to travel just under the speed of light, meaning that so far we do understand light :)