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frameshift | 13:46 Wed 08th Feb 2012 | Crosswords
10 Answers
Last two. 27a Hoarding in previous month, utter claim for subsistence (7)
P - L - U - E
5d Had a feminine 10 with blessed woman separating father and daughter (8)
S - S - E - E - 10a is SIBSHIP: SISTERED? What is the wordplay?


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27a) pulture
blessed woman : French Sainte abb. to Ste
between SIRE & D(aughter) = SISTERED !
blessed woman = STE - female saint
father = SIRE
daughter = D

SI ste RE d
Question Author
Thanks, I never knew that STE was female saint.
Just to explain the other one: normally PUTURE, acc. to Chambers (not in OED)"forester's claim to food for himself & his animals from within a forest", prob. comes from Latin for porridge! How's that for educative!
I suppose that is short for La Sainte frameshift
Question Author
Still can't parse it though.
Question Author
PULTURE, that is.
hHoarding in previous month = put ULT inside...
utter = PURE

P ult URE
Question Author

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