Crossword questions in The AnswerBank: Editor's Blog
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Crossword questions

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lankeela | 19:42 Sun 12th Feb 2012 | Editor's Blog
16 Answers
I wanted to answer a question in Quizzes & Puzzles put on just after 1 o'clock today. Now it is at the bottom of page 5 on there - I just scrolled all through the other questions MOST of which are crossword questions! Why can't they be put in the crossword section? Someone even had the audacity to post a crossword question in Chatterbank! Ed PLEASE do something about this, its driving me mad and I will probably not bother looking any more if it stays like this.


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The person who had the audacity to post a x-word question in CB was a brand new member, I think we should give everyone a chance, we have all got to learn, then we call in the heavy mob.
because you don't know there's a crossword section unless you've first clicked on Q&P? Doesn't matter where they go, they'll still pile up at great speed and slow the site down.
Crossword questions are all over the site and can be a nuisance when there is a specific 'topic' listed for them. Perhaps the following has relevance to this thread. :-


Historically, they (crosswords and Q&P) used to be all in one section. Then an editor decided to make crosswords a subsection. Most users were against this as by far the greater number of questions are crossword related, and so they continued to post and answer crosswords in Q&P.
It doesn't bother me in the slightest which section they are in - it's relatively easy to toggle between the two.
In any case I'm not sure how this could be enforced.
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Or if you see an interesting question you can subscribe to it and then click on 'subscribed threads' when you want to look at it
Question Author
Thats not the point though is it? If I asked about a bad case of piles in crosswords I would get told to put it in Body and Soul!
It would help a bit if some posters didn't post each crossword clue twice and if more people realised how good the AB search facility is, as some questions pop up a dozen or so times at weekends (eg Widescreen this weekend),
It would be a good idea to make Crosswords a separate category.
"I wanted to answer a question in Quizzes & Puzzles put on just after 1 o'clock today. Now it is at the bottom of page 5 on there"

I would suggest to avoid having to scroll through all the pages you subscribe to the question you wish to return to OR navigate to it via the "my profile" tab. If you've already commented on it it'll be under "Q's I Answered" - if you've viewed it recently it'll be under the "recently viewed" tab.

"I just scrolled all through the other questions MOST of which are crossword questions! Why can't they be put in the crossword section?"

Others have answered this quite effectively. Many simply unaware of it.

"Someone even had the audacity to post a crossword question in Chatterbank!"

I wouldn't suggest this was audacious! I think they just selected the wrong category by accident.

"Ed PLEASE do something about this, its driving me mad and I will probably not bother looking any more if it stays like this."

We'll have a think about it. I'd like to know what you think should be done about it though? It's very hard to force anyone to do anything, even at the best of times.
"It would be a good idea to make Crosswords a separate category."

Yep, this is probably a good idea.
Question Author
Delete their question and tell them to put it in the right category. Ok, some people might not have visited here before but most of them are regulars and lets be honest, they can't have tried very hard if they are asking for answers - there was one at 9.15 am for that days paper!
Question Author
In the Motoring section heading there is this: "If you want specific advice on the Highway Code you might want to ask your question in Road Rules."
Why not put something in the heading for Q & P saying if you want an answer to a crossword you should put it in the section on Crosswords!
Hi lankeela- I think many crossword regulars on here will have more or less completed their crosswords by 9.15 am.
Question Author
Good idea factor30 but I won't hold my breath - I suggested a separate category for soaps under Media & TV but that never happened.
How about have a drop-down list of topics/subtopics next to the submit button when creating a question and only enable the submit button when a topic/subtopic has been selected.

At least the questioner might think about which topic is appropriate, although they might just be lazy and simply go for whichever topic happens to be at the top of the list.
"How about have a drop-down list of topics/subtopics next to the submit button when creating a question and only enable the submit button when a topic/subtopic has been selected."

We have this on the homepage. I think it might actually cause more mistakes than accurate selections. I'm also not sure I want to add another hurdle to jump just to post a question.

"At least the questioner might think about which topic is appropriate, although they might just be lazy and simply go for whichever topic happens to be at the top of the list."

The latter is likely, but not out of laziness, they might just not know which sub-section is best.

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