Mephisto 2686 in The AnswerBank: Crosswords
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Mephisto 2686

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saladdodger | 00:05 Mon 20th Feb 2012 | Crosswords
6 Answers
24d Female indeed inspiring name associated with nothing primarily ?ANN? could it be nanny?
29a English tea recalled in old-fashioned passage ??TE
last letter of 24d = 1st letter of 29a
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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24d Fanny - F(emale) + 'ay' (indeed) (inspiring; containing) n(ame) +n(othing)

29a Yate (gate; passage) - E(nglish) + 'tay' (tea, all back)
00:12 Mon 20th Feb 2012
24d Fanny - F(emale) + 'ay' (indeed) (inspiring; containing) n(ame) +n(othing)

29a Yate (gate; passage) - E(nglish) + 'tay' (tea, all back)
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Many thanks Lie-in King - that's me finished now & off to bed!
Happy to help - sleep well :-)
Hi Lie-in-King

I see your logic for 'fanny' but could you explain why the answer can't be 'nanny'?

Nay=indeed (according to Chambers); inspiring n for name and (n)othing primarily; and nanny is a female.

I think you are missing the point.

Fanny is associated with nothing...Sweet FA !
Hi Kayakamina

I hadn't missed the point. I said I understood Lie-inKing's logic. I wasn't in fact disputing that 'fanny' was the answer.

I was simply keen to know why the wordplay couldn't be applied in the way I was suggesting. ie that the answer related to 'female' (rather than nothing) and the 'nay', inspiring 'n' and'n' related to the components of the clue.

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