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the big one

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norm44 | 10:55 Tue 28th Feb 2012 | Crosswords
8 Answers
49a fiends fits but is a fiend an addict?


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Can be so interpreted
As someone pointed out a few minutes ago, it's better to put these queries on the original thread so as to keep everything together rather than start a new one
norm44 go back to your first posting
and answer us from that first post :)
katburd never answers.
sorry . . .katburd, norma44 never answers.
Yes, I think norm44 must be in the same position as neil2 as neither of them have ever commented/acknowledges answers/claried points within their original thread. It's possible they have an old broswer which hides the submit button when they try to respond on their own thread
Try posting a reply to your own question and click submit.

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the big one

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