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defend ?
16:56 Tue 28th Feb 2012
shield ?
defend ?
or defend ?
Based on this an all your previous questions you certainly follow a minimalist approach with regard to asking questions.
It may help to always include the name of the crossword as others may have done it or may have a copy in front of them
...and a Thank You now and again wouldn't go amiss.
i was just about to put that bookbinder. lol : )
Question Author
you're welcome : )
Question Author
i type as little as poss as i am disabled and its hard for me and was not aware i should use were you give answers to thank you thought it was just for answers sorry if i have offended
no offence taken Tricia. its hard for us to decipher with little knowledge of the clue. and akknowledgement if one of us is correct. then we can answer other people once we know the outcome : )
perhaps a : ) to aknowledge the help you have been offered and a click on best answer as you have done this time, to let us know what has best fitted your puzzle. : )

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