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Daily Mail 14187 - 2 down

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Jaycee47 | 17:38 Thu 08th Mar 2012 | Crosswords
7 Answers
Cecil nearly upset 15 in tumbler, including this? = Ice Cube? Can see Cecil nearly
upset but don't understand rest of clue. Can anyone help please?


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What is the clue/answer to 15?
Ceci =ice C t(u)m(b) l(e)r.
The answer to 15 is evens. If you take the even letters in tUmBlE and take Ceci(l) without the L you have CECIUBE from which you can make up ice cube.
Hope this makes sense.
Thank you - I wanted to know where '15' fitted in.
Oop! Sorry mammyalynne.Forgot to put that bit in.
cecil nearly (upset) = ceci
15 = evens. even letters of tUmBlEr = ube
upset ceci+ube =ice cube
you would find an ice cube in a tumbler along with whiskey
(including this) whiskey AND ice
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Thanks to everyone. I would never have sorted that out!

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