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Twinkle, twinkle little star

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robert551069 | 11:39 Sat 10th Mar 2012 | ChatterBank
3 Answers
When I was young someone taught me to say this poem using long words,
as follows:-Scintillate,scintillate, globule vivific,
Fain would I fathom thy nature specific
Loftily poised amid ether capacious,
Somewhat resembling a gem carbonaceous
There was another one for "The nearer the bone the sweeter the meat"
All I can remember is that it contained the word "striated"
Does anyone know the whole phrase, please


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Blimey. Sounds like a lot of hard work, that one. I'm still on 'There was a young lady from Clyde.......'
22:09 Sat 10th Mar 2012
i like the original better....
....never could remember to say that....this is more to my taste...;-)

Tiny, sparkling, glowing dot,
Makes me wonder: you are what?
In the inky sky at night,
Like a diamond, just as bright!
Tiny, sparkling, glowing dot,
Makes me wonder: you are what?

..fits the tune better an'all.
Blimey. Sounds like a lot of hard work, that one. I'm still on 'There was a young lady from Clyde.......'

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Twinkle, twinkle little star

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