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saoirs | 07:33 Sun 11th Mar 2012 | Crosswords
7 Answers
1 Hunters for example might plant them around treetop[6] s???d?
2 After tea French composer had to go [6] t?a???
3 placing it in chant [6] ??t???
4 brave old Penny without any female relatives [9] ????t????
5 doesn't he charge anything for being in armed movement [7,7] ?r????? ??g????
any help appreciated


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2 t+ravel - travel
4 d+aunt less - dauntless
5 freedom fighter
1 seeds + t - steeds
3 sing + it - siting
3. Intone?
Question Author
Fibonacci thank you so much for answers and explanations, have a great day

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