help-across clues contain both a definition and cosecutive mixture bthe letters of the solution.however asterisked clues-definition gone missing(something foreign)its place being taken by 2 non consecutive words!
6* shepherd never catching measles ,a chill or venereal disease 8 ?E???R?N
10* omelette maker's wounded pride on cutting onions P???I?O
17a concentrated solution set inevitably I???N??
22a *after chasing wild rabbit,silly dounder dresser7 G?L????-answer is welsh!
I've been trying to download this crossword without success.
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10 you're looking for a "spanish" defn - ans is anagram from woundeDPRIDEOn
22a yes Welsh your clue isn't quite correct should be .... silly dog wees ...
answer is anagram from siLLYDOGWees
all the asterisked clues want a foreign word for something that is 25/11