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Jaycee47 | 17:53 Fri 18th May 2012 | Crosswords
6 Answers
Just one I don't get today.
Finish everything up in foreign port, making most pay = Top Dollar.
I can see "all" and "port" but where does "Do" come from?


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finish = DO
everything up = all reversed = ALL
in = put those ^ inside...
foreign port = TOPR [the anagram in this instance]

TOP do all R
2nd line should read; everything up = all reversed = LLA
and last line: TOP do lla R
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Many thanks bibblebub didn't think of finish = do but as finished = done I guess it makes sense?
sorry about the typos
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No probs bibblebub. Understood you fully. It was the "Do" I didn't understand.
Thanks again.

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