I understand I can water the garden with used washing up water and bath water but are there any rules to using used water in the garden? I particularly want to water the veg patch. Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.
think the way to look at it is - what's gone into the water - a bit of washing up liquid won't hurt - as far as bath water is concerned - check out what's in your products - a bit of everything probably won't hurt but a lot of one thing may!
I remember reading during the last hose-pipe ban that it was permissible to have the hose-pipe delivering water to your watering can, from which you may water the garden.
I made the mistake of watering my plants with washing up water, only to find them all looking very sick, and dead by the second day!! I thought I only had washing up liquid in the water but something managed to kill them off. Very expensive mistake.
There is a rule that blue badge holder are allowed to use a hose pipe! Odd rule in my opinion....and I am a blue badge holder.
We save our shower water for the garden, and also the washing up water gets thrown out. I also have a connection from the pipe in the garden where the washing machine water gets pumped out - this has a small pipe attached to it, and the water gets pumped into a large bucket. This in turn gets put on the garden. Never had any problems with any of the methods.