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Daily Mail Prize Crossword 14264 Monday June 25th 2012

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estaban | 15:39 Mon 25th Jun 2012 | Crosswords
11 Answers
only 3 2day guys 9a miss catherines not at home for a change (7) t-a---r 16a cult of 500,then 5000 (6) -o---o 6d former spouse had french articlebound and issued (7) e---l-- thanks all


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ex + had with le inside
16a Voo Doo
teacher = anag of catherine with in (home) taken out
. . . nice one S!
You also johnalex, voodoo had me scratching my head. but i can see it now. very cryptic. : )
Question Author
thanks shooty just could not see it
you're welcome. Voodoo was the stinker in them three. : )
Is there a '0' missing here johnalex
V = the 5 + the two 00's from 500
D = 500 + the last 0 from 5000
voo do?
Can anyone help with the parsing of 16a ?
it should read 50000
Thank you mutt53. I thought there was an 'o' missing. : )

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Daily Mail Prize Crossword 14264 Monday June 25th 2012

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