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Chanel 4 News flash 6/7/2012.

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TWR | 20:09 Fri 06th Jul 2012 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
Due to the amount of rain the UK's population have enjoyed over the last week or so, Mr Knob head Osbourne has decided the country has had enough free water, from the Ist July 2012 he plans to Tax the UK Population according, whatever part of the UK gets the most rainfall, that area will pay the highest tax.


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Suits me.

We still have a hosepipe ban.
So how will that work, when Cumbrian Thirlmere supplies Manchester?
could we have a link please.
Doubt he'll find one
wales will be in dire trouble, every time I've been there its been tiddling down.
Chanel 4, he'll be taxing them according to what type of perfume they wear next.
Well the Irish have already sorted the water shortage in Ireland, they are going to dilute it!
we've still got a hosepipe ban, too.
ahhhhh but what about when it is very windy and the rain actually blows across a county line? that's hardly fair is it? plus, the lake district can hie alot of it's rainfall in it's lakes
He's 5 days late in announcing this.........
very true, dotty, I am already planning to hide my share under the Thames to avoid the excise men.
he's a total gobsh*te
good plan jno, but of course if it rains into the thames then who pays the tax on that? by the time they measure it the rain will be in the channel, they could charge the french then maybe?
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Have you seen the person on any site that you are replying to?
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I should have said, the post on this site that you are replying to.
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I put a post on here the other night! "Gullible""
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Christ, who opened your coffin? ( I should not have said that)
Well knock me down with a feather. Stitched up good and proper
Who is this Osbourne fella? Surely not dear Ozzy!

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