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bluemoon1 | 18:43 Tue 31st Jul 2012 | Crosswords
15 Answers
French art books designed for specialists. Esoteric.


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have you missed a word? because

french art = ES
books = O.T. [old testament]

which leaves eric which is a anagram of e.g. 'rice'
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Sorry that didnt post right for some reason

The clue is French art books Eric designed for specialists.
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Thank you bibblebub once again
you're welcome, and obviously no anagrams required
Can it be:
French art ES
?books EROTIC
designed AnagrInd
Defn: for specialists (ES)(EROTIC*) = ESOTERIC
no it can't
bibblebub got it right.
Defn: designed for specialists - ESOTERIC
Please explain why ES is French art (hope that's not too dim a question)
That would interest me, too! I happen to live in France, and the only ES I know is written with an "accent grave" over the "e", i.e. "ès", which is only used in diploma abbreviations meaning "en les" = "in the" e.g. "Docteur ès sciences" or "Licencié ès lettres" --- has nothing necessarily to do with "The Arts". Otherwise of course there's the abb. for Einsteinium! But since two of you have made this connection (& the solution then seems to make sense), perhaps one of you could explain: some secret art movement we mortals have never heard of perhaps? Got nowhere by googling, either. It's your turn now!
Etch un Sketch?
ART (archaic form of ARE) in French is ES
for instance, the worship song: 'how great thou art' when translated in French is 'Que Tu Es Grand'.
Oh, very clever, could I have overlooked that little pun! Thank you! Nothing like wandering down the garden path, is there?
Brilliant, Chanda! Or 'Art' in French is pronounced as 'are' is in English and 'are' in French is 'es' in the singular. Blimey! What crossword was this in? Still don't get the eric bit.
Bluemoon had forgotten the Eric in the clue at first!

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