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Private Eye - three of which I am unsure

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Pamaga | 14:22 Wed 22nd Aug 2012 | Crosswords
7 Answers
6 down - Given a transfer by the CIA, so gave up (8) -e-d-r-d. Looks like rendered or tendered but not sure why.

20 across - Comments about Tone getting first sign of Socialism (5) n---s. Take it this is notes?

21 down - Treacherous, having a big gob (6) --a-p- If 20 across is notes, then this starts with t. Could it be trappy?


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6d I'd go for Rendered, rendition is the CIA taking people to prison etc from a foreign country.
20a notes - tone (about) = note + S (first of Sign)
rendered. moved secretly by the CIA, and 'give up' something, render it.
notes. letters of 'tine' + S...socialism
6 d rendered can mean being taken from jail A to jail B by the CIA. It can also mean to give up, in the sense of hand it over. See: render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, in the Bible.
20a is correct.
* letters of 'tone' + s...
21d Trappy
Pamaga- is this Private Eye Crossword No 476?

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Private Eye - three of which I am unsure

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