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frameshift | 06:08 Sat 01st Sep 2012 | Crosswords
11 Answers
Last three. 20a Fatal tipple for the "false, fleeting and perjur'd" (8) - - - V - S - A Can only think of MALVASIA, but can't see the connection.
17d Frame traitor (7) - - - E - E - T Second letter 'A' if MALVASIA is right.
24a Bill known to be associated with Galatea (4) A - I -


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I think 24a might be ACIS, but not sure.
24 Acis
Tis, from Ovids story, Acis + Galatea
17d casement
Question Author
Thanks, can't see the casement connection, though.
Sir Roger Casement
Roger CASEMENT hung for treason
casement - window frame
20a yes Malvasia (Malmsley) Duke of Clarence drowned in barrel Shakespeare Richard III
Wharton: Remember that "pictures are hung, ladies are hanged"! (From an old play.) Here, Casement was "hanged."
Sorry. That message should gave gone to Roslyn.
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