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Yorkshire evening Post

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askyourgran | 22:50 Sat 01st Sep 2012 | Crosswords
8 Answers
1a Illusory discovery in horse's home? (5-4) --R-S/-E--

23A Deceitful move by youth leader (6) S-I---

18a One turn by the Parisian in the republic (6) _N_O_A I thought ANGOLA but can't reason why.

29 a Fellow by the edge had hot drink (4) ---P

1d Favoured said servant giving support (4-3) --D-/F-R
5D Cheap net removed by Penelope. (8) --N-E-N-

Having trouble with screen freezing tonight, many thanks for helping.


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1d made for
29a. f lip
5d. tenpenny
29 F-lip
18 Angola

One - an
Turn - go (have a go)
LA = the in French (parisian)
1a mares nest
1a Mare's nest
23a Sneak-y(outh) (?)

Angola - 'an' (one) + 'go' (turn) + 'la' (Fr. "the")
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Thanks for your help, it really is a pain when I keep having to recover the webpage. Sneaky doesn't work on 23a It has S-I---. I can only think slinky. I have 14d Jack takes low racing vehicle to Australian captial! (7) -A-A--- the sixth letter is the fifth letter of 23a. Thanks again.

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Yorkshire evening Post

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