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Reasons to be miserable

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MissCommando | 16:12 Sat 15th Sep 2012 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Inspired by NoMercy.

1. My daughter is really unwell with tonsillitis
2. I worked today and I'm working tomorrow
3. My husband quit his job as he was offered a new one - they e-mailed him
yesterday saying they've now decided they can't afford to take someone
4. It's freezing and miserable here (all doom and gloom)
5. My family live so far away!


Please list your reasons to be miserable!


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-1- must get up very early tomorrow (it's sunday - for heavens sake)
-2- eldest god-daughter has betrayed me and her mother by dropping out of college .. most likely at the behest of her yobbo boyfriend
-3- my one remaining grand parent is getting very frail
I`m permanently worried about my Mum`s breast cancer coming back.
I`m going out with a friend and will probably be nursing a hangover in the morning.
I`m going on a 6 day work trip and offered to take my sister and she said "Yes"
I`ve put on another couple of pounds and am back in my fat jeans.
Sorry to hear your woes MissC, especially husband's job. Can he unquit?

My only reason to be miserable is that I am sick to death of hearing about Kate's tits.
Plenty to be miserable about but it would be asking for the boys in white coats to come and get me if I listed them.

sorry about your point 3 - and gness, her bum is better (cuter) than her tits from what I have seen on the net.
DT. Much as I like nice tits and bums please don't start a thread on Kate's bum. x
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It's a long story, but we think it's a lie. Basically, my husband is making a claim about his previous employer, so we think they must have said something on the reference or maybe over the phone!

As if in 3 weeks, they would decide they couldn't afford to take someone on anymore. We're gutted, don't know what we'll do but he needed to leave his job anyway (again, long story) but they were planning to get rid of him. Stressed isn't the word at the moment.
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237SJ, I couldn't imagine that kind of worry. Must be awful for you! x
Sorry to hear of everyone's woes. :(

I've had a bad tummy all day and have only managed to eat a raspberry yoghurt all day.
I can imagine stressed isn't the word. You must both be gutted. Sh*tty when other people can make our lives so miserable. Fingers crossed for you both that something good will happen soon. Gx
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Hope you feel better soon NoM, not like you to be off your food x
It's a lovely day and I've been working indoors most of it
I have shedloads of work which must be done before Tuesday night
My house needs cleaning
The cat's just vomited

..but I can't look at it this way, I can't bear being glass half empty.
1. Told girlie of my invite to KL wedding; she's booked it up with a 4day stopover in HK & added herself :(
2. £2500 down - must I buy a wedding present too?
3. I'll miss the October 'no smoking'
4. She's bought me 50 Shades to read on hols
5. AND booked me an airport wheelchair

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